A good to eat, fast to cook and instant snack to satiate hunger – Maggi, a brand of instant noodles manufactured by Nestle has gained huge popularity across the globe. The brand is popular in Australia, India, South Africa, Brazil, New Zealand, Brunei, Malaysia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Fiji and the Philippines. It is also called Maggi Mee in many countries.

Over the years, many brands of instant noodles have emerged but Maggi still rules the roost across the globe. With the growing popularity of Maggi, noodles are no longer considered as processed food and have slowly been accepted as part of regular household menu. Apart from strong brand equity and affordable price, the taste of Maggi noodles makes it really appealing among consumers buying Maggie noodles in cups/bowl instant noodles and pouch instant noodles.
Maggi enjoys the reputation of being staple food in many countries. For instance in Malaysia, it will not be any exaggeration to call Maggi Mee as national dish of Malaysia. No single social stratums in Malaysia can deny the temptation of Maggi and it has slowly evolved in several culinary forms. Among the most popular are Maggi Goreng, Maggi instant noodles curry and fried Maggi noodles.
Maggi instant noodle curry is one of the favourite instant snacks in Malaysia and Singapore, which adorn the table of Mamak stalls across the country. It has a very unique curry flavor that blends perfectly with the texture of the noodles.
Many Malaysian traders export Maggi products to neighbourhood countries at wholesale prices. Hanyaw Malaysia is one such well known Malaysian exporter engaged in exporting high quality branded products at competitive prices with increasing number of international and Philippines customers discovered every day. It exports a wide range of Maggi products to international market including Malaysia origin Maggi Noodles Instant Curry, Maggi Noodles Instant Chicken, Maggi Noodles Instant Tom Yam, Maggi Noodles Instant Asam Laksa , Maggi Mi Goreng Perencah Cili Lazat and Maggi Mi Goreng Perencah Kari Ori. It also exports a wide range of grocery items such as food, beverage, cooking oil and daily use products of popular Asian brands to many foreign destinations.
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