Produced by Nestlé, Nestle Milo is a popular beverage produced with the use of chocolate and malt powder. This delicious chocolate drink was originally developed by Thomas Mayne in Sydney, Australia in 1934.
Packed with metabolism and actigen-E, Nestle Milo Chocolate drink is ready-to-drink nutritional energy drink that contains a combination of B vitamins and magnesium, which helps in releasing energy from proteins, fats and carbohydrates in your food.
It is easily available in local shops and super markets. With its delicious flavour and nutritional values, it has emerged as one of the most popular energy drink available in different packing and quantities such as Nestle Milo Chocolate Drink, Nestle Milo 200g, Nestle Milo 400g, Nestle Milo 500g, Nestle Milo 1kg, Nestle Milo 1.5 kg, Nestle Milo 2kg, Nestle Milo 3.2kg, Nestle Milo 3 in 1 Original, Nestle Milo 3 in 1 Mocha, Nestle Milo 3 in 1 Cereal, Nestle Milo UHT Drink 240ml, Nestle Milo RTD Can Original 240ml, Nestle Milo RTD Can Mocha 240ml and Nestle Milo RTD Can Hi-Cal 240ml.
Whether one is athlete or just concerned about health and fitness, Nestle Milo Chocolate drink is an amazing health drink for quick energy burst. These drinks give quick and effective energy boost to kick start your day in the morning.
There are many wholesale traders in Malaysia that export Nestle Milo chocolate drink and other products across the globe at competitive prices. Hanyaw Malaysia is one such renowned expanding enterprise with huge number of Malaysian, Indonesia, Philippines and worldwide customers discovered every day. The company exports a wide variety of grocery items like food, beverage, cooking oil and daily use products to many international destinations.